Anton Bulai

Anton (52) is a Franciscan priest at Saint Antoine Kilisesi in Istanbul, a church where a cultural and religious fusion of people enter to ask for prayers or benedictions. 

Born in the Romanian countryside, he has gone to church since he was a kid, but during the time of the Communist regime did not allow for enrolment in the priesthood. The Revolution of 1989 brought him the freedom to choose his own path.

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Saint Antuan Kilisesi, an Italian edifice in Pera, the heart of Istanbul

2. parents
3. The Sunday mass was a countryside ritual

Old photograph of Anton Bulai's parents / The Sunday mass was a countryside ritual

4. Il SANTO GIOVANNI PAOLO II Assisi (Perugia) - 10 ianuarie 1993

Il SANTO GIOVANNI PAOLO II Assisi (Perugia) - 10.01.1993

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Anton Bulai in Saint Antuan Kilisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

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Saint Antuan Kilisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

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After mass at Saint Antuan Kilisesi / Anton playing a game of table tennis in his spare time.

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