Mitko (19) is a young man from Varna, Bulgaria. When he was 10 the harsh conditions in which he and his brother were living led them to an orphanage. There he had access to education and later managed to escape the trap of illegal activities many orphans face when they exit the institution.
Mitko is now working in a social teahouse and is passionate about salsa. The only reason to go abroad would be to improve his dancing skills and return to Bulgaria to give back some of his own good fortune.
Kiasieva Gradina neighbourhood in Varna (2017)
Kids playing in Kiasieva Gradina, Varna (2017)
The orphanage where Mitko grew up, Varna (2017)
Mitko at work in The Social Teahouse
Mitko would live Bulgaria to improve his salsa skills (2017)
Varna is home (2017)
Port of Varna, largest seaport complex in Bulgaria (2017)
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